St. Jude Walk/Run - Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
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Why We Support St. Jude
To know Kylan Bradley was to know strength, love, and resilience. In early December 2020, Kylan’s parents noticed that he shrugged his shoulders a certain way. After a year of multiple false diagnoses, and paralysis of his left hand, an MRI located a tumor on the cervical area of Kylan’s spinal cord.
Immediately Kylan underwent surgery to have the benign tumor partially removed. Due to Kylan’s young age, a fusion was not performed, and the bones were placed back into his vertebrae. After two months of wearing a cervical collar, the bones that were reinserted back into his neck had slipped out of place and began to press upon his spinal cord. After yet another surgery, it was discovered that the tumor had gotten larger, and chemotherapy would be needed.
Eight months of chemotherapy seemed to be successful before Kylan had an adverse reaction causing the treatment to be discontinued. Within the next few months, Kylan had undergone various exams and scans that often led to various diagnoses. Yet Kylan remained the playful and resilient boy that he had always been.
Despite the various treatments, it was determined that the cervical tumor had not only increased in size but there were additional tumors found in other regions. Searching for answers, Kylan was chosen by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to be a part of a clinical trial that would help him overcome the obstacles placed in his way. For five weeks, Kylan not only made strides physically but also made a great impact on everyone around him, great and small. Love and strength personified; he was #KylanStrong.
On June 19, 2024, Kylan passed away due to other medical complications. In his honor, we choose to walk/run with St. Jude to bring not only awareness to Kylan’s story but to others like him.
To represent our love for a one of a kind hero, please consider purchasing a Kylan Strong T-Shirt to wear during the walk/run. You may purchase via this link: https://forms.gle/DMyDhCJXVjMYGpRQ7
We are #KylanStrong-Forever5