In November of this year (2025) I will be attempting to hike AND long board 444 miles along the Natchez Trace Parkway/Scenic Trail raising funds to support St. Jude's lifesaving mission of finding cures for children battling cancer and other life-threatening diseases. This path follows the Old Natchez Trace from Nashville, Tennessee to Natchez, Mississippi. I know what your thinking. There is alot of repeated letters in the words Tennessee and Mississippi and I agree!
This parkway passes through 3 states, 25 counties and 20 communities. Along this highway is 60 miles of hiking paths consisting of five separate sections that are NOT CONTINOUS. Potkopinu, Rocky Springs, Yockanookany, Blackland Prarie and the Highland Rim Trails. So that will be 384 miles of skateboarding and 60 miles of hiking through 3 states. Sounds super duper easy, right!?
The Old Natchez Trace is saturated in history being one of the oldest transportation routes in America with its human use dating back over 10,000 years. This is also one of the 11 National Scenic Trails in our beautiful country which I hope someday to hike them all in the name of this Hospital (only 7 more left!).
I will definitely be posting this trek through my social media pages if you have any intrest in following.
In the years 2017 and 2018 I completed thru hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (2,469 miles) and by doing so we raisied a wopping $27,927. In 2021/22/23 I completed thru hiking the Arizona (800 miles), Florida (1,100 miles) and New England (204 miles) Trails and we raised $34,590. This event page is the combination of the last three hikes and this one I'm now attempting.
All together from these hikes we have raised $62,517 for St Jude Children's Hospital!!!! Holy cow batman, that's alot of support!
I'm still in shock and awe! All I'm asking for is support. Share this site with your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, euchre partners, lovers, your mailman, the dude at the deli counter, Facebook, Instagram, and/or Tik Tok. If you can spare a $1 or $20, please, please, please do so!!! Skip your Starbucks for the day, take back some loose change to the bank, use the $5 bill you found in the dryer and help us help some kids and their families in need. It don't take much if just a few people give a little.
I have personally taken the financial burden for everyone of these trips, not taking a single penny for myself and have also taken ALOT of time off work to achieve them (over 13 months to be exact). I say this to ensure you that your support on this event page goes directly to St Jude Children's Hospital and nowhere else.
For those that don't know me my name is Jesse Bader. I live on the beautiful island of Mackinac in Michigan and am the Bar Manager to the iconic Pink Pony bar and restaurant. I am ever so grateful for the opportunity everyday to meet so many incredible people through the tourism that is generated from the island. I thank you in advance for the support and I'll be seeing y'all back on the rock in December!
Cross your fingers I don't break myself too bad on this one.
Istagram: @walkingwithstjude
How your donation helps:
- Thanks to donors like you, no family ever receives a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.
- Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to more than 80% since it opened more than 50 years ago.
Join me! Together we can help St. Jude change the world.