Event Location
2025 Bank of America Chicago Marathon
Grant Park
Thank you for your interest in running in the 2025 Bank of America Chicago Marathon as a St. Jude Hero. This event is currently sold out and we do not have any additional bibs to offer at this time. If you would like, you can add your name to our waitlist and if we have a cancellation and a slot opens, we will pull names from the waitlist on a first in, first out basis.
Signs of Calvin's cancer emerged in June 2018 when after a family bike ride, his mom noticed his leg was swollen and he had a bumpon his back.
A CT scan led to a scary diagnosis. Calvin had stage IV rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue, with tumor growth in five places: his pelvis,hip, stomach, lung and neck.
As his parents discussed treatment options with their medical team, something one doctor said stood out: “He said, ‘If it was my kid, we'd go to St. Jude,’” said Calvin's mom. “We had no idea what we were up against. No idea. We just knew that this was the best place.”
At St. Jude, Calvin underwent chemotherapy, proton therapy and radiation treatments. Through it all, he showed a lot of determination and channeled his feelings into art. “Calvin is strong-willed,” said his mom. “He fights through the pain, and he's a really happy kid.”
Calvin experienced a recurrence of rhabdomyosarcoma in 2020. He completed relapse treatment and now returns to St. Jude for regular checkups.