Jake was diagnosed with Malignant Extrarenal Rhabdoid Tumor (MERT) in October 2010. The Manns abruptly relocated from Hong Kong back to the USA so Jake can be treated at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. MERT is an extremely rare and highly malignant form of cancer found in childhood that requires aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment over a 7+ month period. There are 17 reported cases and this is the second case St. Jude has seen in the last 15 years.
The general schedule that Jake will follow for his treatment over the next 30 weeks is intense chemo every three weeks. He will also undergo 5-6 weeks of daily radiation for which he will have to be sedated 5 days a week. The radiation focuses specifically on the site where the tumor was located in his spine, whereas the chemo focuses on the rest of his body to try to kill off any microscopic cancer cells.
Jake is a little fighter and in great spirits. He has recently discovered the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and is mastering his medical vocabulary. He celebrated his 2nd birthday on November 10, 2010.
Please help St. Jude continue its vital pediatric cancer research and patient care programs by making a donation in Jake’s honor.